Monday, December 10, 2012

The Perfect Fit

When you find yourself tweaking your dreams to fit a person, you've compromised. When, in reality, the right person will fit perfectly into your dreams, because God placed those dreams on your heart! At the same time He also prepared the perfect person who will fit seamlessly and perfectly into those dreams He gave you!!!!

NEVER settle for less than God's best!!!!!! The best is yet to come and I can hear the footsteps of God's perfection walking through the door!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How does God Love? How Should we Love?

What is true love?

I've been think along these lines a lot lately... God is our greatest example of how we as believers should love. He sent His ONLY Son, Jesus, to the world to die for people. He made this great display of His love by giving something of greatest value to Him, EVEN with the foreknowledge that many men would reject, curse, ignore, and abuse His love.... Yet, He STILL loved the World enough to follow through with such a marvelous act of True, Unconditional love!

Just like God faced the rejection of His vast and powerful love by people, when we seek to love people the way God loved us, we will face rejection, abuse, cursing, and such of our love.... They did it to God, how should we expect them not to do it to us.... People with disappoint you, break your heart, reject you.... But you have to LOVE them anyway, after all that's what the true God kind of love is!

Never let others cause you to diminish your capacity to love because of heart break, always allow those things to INCREASE your capacity to love! Hurt people hurt people, know the reason they're hurting you is because deep down inside they themselves are hurting, and that is when they need your love most... Even if you have to love them from a distance!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I Give Myself Away...

"I give myself away, so You can use me! My life is not my own, to You I belong, I give myself, I give myself to You!"

I will follow You, wherever You may lead me... Whether it be the marble halls of great castles and cathedrals to reach monarchs and wealthy or dirt floor huts to reach indigenous people and those in poverty, I am Yours and will go wherever You lead!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Missions Trip Coming Up!

Stay tuned, I will be posting information and sending out letters about ways in which you can support me on an upcoming missions trip! I will also be posting updates via this blog as the trip approaches and while I am on the trip to keep everyone informed of the wonderful things that will be taking place during the trip! I know God will move mightily!

I believe I have addresses for most people I will be sending support letters to, but if you are interested in being added to the list and think I may not have your current address, please email me at and I will be sure to add you to the list!

Blessings! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Coming May 1st!

Your generosity on International Rhema Day will help support students like me! :) 
Watch this awesome promo video for International Rhema Day! :) 

So excited about beginning this next chapter in my life!

International Rhema Day: Promotional Video Prior May 1st from Kenneth Hagin Ministries on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


You've captivated my heart, 
In your presence I am free.

You've loved me from the start, 
How could a love like this be? 

Oh my Lord, my God, 
You are all I want, all I need. 

I seek to love endlessly 
The one who loved unconditionally.

Lord, you have my life and my heart,
They've been yours from the start. 

You're the lover of my soul, and 
I know that we'll never part! 

I offer my life as a sacrifice,
To the Captor of my heart!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Dear Friends, 

Thanks for reading my blog!

I look forward to sharing every new adventure possible with all of you as I embark on this wonderful journey God has for me! I am so excited about what the future holds and I want to use this blog to share what God is doing in my personal life and also to share the wonderful adventures that are about to take place in my life! I am no longer looking back at the "shoulda-coulda-woulda's" but I am looking forward at the divine destiny God has set before me!

Thanks to everyone who has supported me, prayed for me, and loved me over the years! Your support, prayer, and love is what has shaped me into the woman I am today.  And I thank you for your continued prayer as I step forth into this plan. I am believing God for HIS provision, direction, wisdom, and peace, as I make the greatest step I have ever made in my life! In August 2011, I am leaving the place that I have called home my entire life and moving 19 hours away to go to Bible school. I know this is the next step in the plan God has for me and though I know it will be hard for me to "leave" family, friends, and loved ones, I am so excited about launching into the ministry in which God has called me! 

I hope through this blog, whether you are near or far, you can keep up with my journey and the wonderful places God is about to take me to! 

I love you all and as I begin this new journey in my life I will miss all of you greatly, come August. But know that you will ALWAYS hold a SPECIAL place in my heart!

"I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope." ~ Jer. 29:11 GWT

With Love,
